Changes to the Main Street Loan Program 6-8-20 – TGG Accounting

As the effects of Coronavirus continue to unfold, we have seen small and medium-sized businesses take a hit. The government has worked to create funding to support these businesses during this tough time.

Today, Monday, June 8, 2020, the Federal Reserve Board decided to expand the Main Street Loan Program to give small and medium-sized businesses the ability to receive support. The Main Street Lending Program should be open soon for lender registration. Some of the recent changes include:

  • The minimum loan amount has been reduced to $250K.
    • Making the EBITDA minimum $62,500 with no debt.
  • They have increased the maximum loan size
  • They have extended the loan term from 4 years to 5 years.
  • The principal payment has been delayed to 2 years, with the repayment schedule being as follows for all loan types:
    • Y1: 0% Y2: 0% Y3: 15% Y4: 15% Y5:70%
  • They have raised the FEDs participation to 95% for all loans.

Jerome H Powell, the Federal Reserve Chair, explained this decision by saying “supporting small and mid-sized businesses so they are ready to reopen and rehire workers will help foster a broad-based economic recovery.” These businesses are essential to the economy and employment in the United States.

When a lender registers for the MSLP, they are encouraged to start making loans immediately. This program is intended to purchase 95% of eligible loans, if documentation is complete and the transactions are consistent with the Main Streets facility’s requirements. Loans originated under the previous terms will be accepted if they are funded before June 10, 2020.

There are a few loan options available within the Main Street Lending Program. These options include:

  • New Loans: 
    • These loans have a 5-year term
    • With a $250,000 minimum loan amount
    • With a maximum loan size of $35M, or an amount added to outstanding or undrawn available debt does not exceed 4.0x the adjusted EBITDA.
    • Have a risk retention of 5%
    • Have a principal deferred for 2 years with years 3-5- 15%, 15%, 70%
    • Interest payments deferred for one year
    • Have a LIBOR rate of +3%
  • Priority Loans:
    • These loans have a 5-year term
    • With a $250,000 minimum loan amount
    • With a maximum loan size of $50M, or an amount added to outstanding or undrawn available debt does not exceed 6.0x the adjusted EBITDA.
    • Have a risk retention of 5%
    • Have a principal deferred for 2 years with years 3-5- 15%, 15%, 70%
    • Interest payments deferred for one year
    • Have a LIBOR rate of +3%
  • Expanded Loans:
    • These loans have a 5-year term
    • With a $10M minimum loan amount
    • With a maximum loan size of $300M, or an amount added to outstanding or undrawn available debt does not exceed 6.0x the adjusted EBITDA.
    • Have a risk retention of 5%
    • Have a principal deferred for 2 years with years 3-5- 15%, 15%, 70%
    • Interest payments deferred for one year
    • Have a LIBOR rate of +3%

Are you applying for a loan in the Main Street Loan Program? Download our Main Street Loan Toolkit to help you qualify, apply, and secure your loan! For more information on our COVID-19 Resource, visit our site.

See the FED press release here:

Term Sheet: Main Street New Loan Facility

Term Sheet: Main Street Priority Loan Facility

Term Sheet: Main Street Expanded Loan Facility

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