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Thank you for taking the time to speak with us! How would you describe your company’s mission?
Luna gives people and their communities of support a software solution to surface, validate, and solve the problems that matter most to them in collaboration with researchers and industry partners they trust.
Who is your target market that you service to?
With participation from >180 countries and communities advancing causes including disease-specific, public health, environmental, and emerging interests, Luna empowers these collectives to gather a wide range of data – health records, lived-experience, disease history, genomics, and more.
Luna technology gives research and industry everything they need from engagement with study participants to data analysis in compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA and across multiple modalities using a common data model.
By providing privacy-protected individuals a way to continually engage, Luna transforms the traditional patient-disconnected database into a dynamic, longitudinal discovery environment where researchers, industry, and community leaders can leverage a range of tools to surface insights and trends, study disease natural history and biomarkers, and enroll in clinical studies and trials.
That’s very interesting! Where did the idea for Luna come from?
Our leaders have bridged the worlds of advocacy and industry in our professional and philanthropic work, and we all have personal stories that make improving the research model very urgent for us. Luna converges the power of communities as the place people trust most for support and finding answers with the best of responsible data science, inclusive consumer privacy protection, transparency, and choice in how one’s data is used to advance medical science in the areas that matter most to them.
It sounds like you and your team have accomplished a lot. What is your most recent accomplishment that you’re most proud of?
We recently announced a program with Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome Americas Association to assemble a patient-led drug discovery community studying the disease etiology of a rare neurodevelopmental disorder known as Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) and support development of therapeutic treatments for this devastating disease. The program is being launched in collaboration with Biogen, Inc. and represents Biogen’s second collaboration with Luna and Genetic Alliance. Please read the news by clicking here.
Talking about the accounting side of your business, before you started working with us, what problems were you experiencing with your Accounting?
We decided to work with TGG because we needed a broader range of financial and accounting services. Our processes have improved substantially with the help of TGG; the quality of our financial products is now very high and our cost of this function is now lower. This allows us to invest more in our customers and partners. The team at TGG, led by Javier Salazar and Chris Nemits, has significantly changed how we engage with each other, our customers, and partners.
That’s wonderful to hear! Why did you decide to work with us and how have things improved or what solutions have we provided?
TGG has delivered operational excellence in accounting at a fraction of the cost of an internal team. TGG employees are Luna team members, engaging not only in accounting but larger Company strategy with the spirit and commitment of one team.
What are you most excited about for Luna in 2022?
We are excited about continuing the impact in patient communities so they can stop being called patients and live life as ‘just people’. We are also excited to see groups using Luna to surface and validate near term, non-drug solutions that work for them.
2022 sounds like an exciting year. Where do you see Luna in 5 years and how can we help you get there?
Five years from now, we see Luna as the standard for how communities and industry work together to advance the human condition. Our platform will scale to advance collaboration across drug discovery, quality of life, and performance and wellness product development globally. One of the most important aspects of Luna is that all of the team members, TGG included, are committed to making a difference in the world.
Is there anything else about Luna that you would like people to know about?
Historically, people have not trusted researchers to use their data responsibly. Luna has tackled that issue head on, recognizing that medical breakthroughs require health data and the highest quality health data comes directly from people. We are unique as a technology company in that we are vocal advocates for consumer data privacy protections because we believe they will protect and inspire people to participate in advancing medical science.
To learn more about Luna and the amazing work they are doing, check out their website:
Follow them here:
Joe Berry, Chief Executive Officer
This post was reviewed by our team of accounting and financial experts. TGG’s mission is to make business owners’ lives better through excellent financial management. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and objective information on accounting-related topics so our readers can make informed decisions based on factual content. All posts undergo a review process with at least one member of our Leadership Team to ensure accuracy.
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