Professional background: After spending two deployments in Iraq as a US Marine, adjusting to civilian life was a fun challenge. I found myself discovering a tight nit crew with TGG and couldn’t be happier. Life is all about the people around you.
What do you enjoy most about working at TGG? TGG has helped me grow in many different ways: personally, professionally, and intellectually. I still have a long way to go and the employees of TGG have so much to teach me.
How do you live TGG’s mission? I live TGG’s mission through my team. By ensuring roadblocks are removed and the team’s needs are met, they are able to make business owners’ lives’ better through excellent financial management.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? I have many hobbies while outside of work. From indoor hobbies like board games, video games, cooking, and must-see TV, to outdoor hobbies like running, hiking, and spelunking (caving).